Atheism, unadulterated and undisguised, was diffused into every corner of the land, and the bold voice of the conscientious unbeliever was heard in remote districts where scepticism had probably never before penetrated. The press was forced to discuss the subject…
George Jacob Holyoake on the impact of blasphemy trials, 1844
Freedom of religion and belief, and freedom of the press, have long been championed by humanists and freethinkers. During the first half of the 19th century, many of these suffered persecution and prosecution for arguments deemed blasphemous or seditious—seen as likely to cause outrage, bring about moral decay, or incite rebellion. But the publication of blasphemy trials became, counter to the hopes of prosecutors, an excellent vehicle for the dissemination of radical and atheist ideas. Publishers like Richard Carlile seized on the opportunity to print courtroom defences in full, and to highlight the absurdity of trying to police thought and belief.
Many of these trial pamphlets have been digitised and are available to explore online. A selection are reproduced below, and more can be found using the links provided.
The motive by which the Publisher of the Age of Reason is induced to lay before the Public a copy of the Bill of Indictment, is the glaring absurdity and falsehood with which this precious document is replete.
Richard Carlile, 1819
Vice Versus Reason. A Copy of the Bill of Indictment, Found at the Old Bailey Sessions, January 16, 1819, Against Richard Carlile, for Publishing Paine’s Age of Reason (1819).
View on Google Books: Vice Versus Reason
There is no one who will deny the value and importance of truth, but how is it to be ascertained, if we are not allowed the liberty of free inquiry?
Robert Wedderburn, 1820
The Trial of Robert Wedderburn (1820).
View on Google Books: The Trial of the Rev. Robt Wedderburn
I know that all verdicts in such cases are regulated by the previous opinions and prejudices of the persons called on the Jury; and I know that the influence of my persecutors, in selecting a Jury of their own opinions, turns the chance of acquittal ten to one against me. But I fear not; I know my own heart, and I know that a dungeon cannot damp it.
Susannah Wright, 1822
The trial of Susannah Wright (1822).
View on Google Books: Report of the Trial of Mrs. Susannah Wright
You may punish me, a bookseller’s servant, but you cannot reach the book. There is more than one Printing Press; there is more than one bookseller, in this country…
William Tunbridge, 1822
The Trial of William Tunbridge (1823).
View on Google Books: William Tunbridge
Amid all the privations I endured there was yet one glorious privilege of which they could not rob me, my thoughts were still unfettered; our persecutors have yet to learn that when they have turned the dungeon key upon us, there is still that, over which they have no control, thought free as ever defies all their attempts to enslave it, and until they can do this their triumph is incomplete.
Matilda Roalfe on release from jail, 1844
The trials of Thomas Paterson, Thomas Finlay, and Matilda Roalfe (1844).
View on Google Books: Thomas Paterson, Thomas Finlay, Matilda Roalfe
Tyranny has its soldiers, and why not Freedom? While thousands daily perish at the shrine of passion, what is the pain of a sacrifice now and then for public principle or personal freedom?
George Jacob Holyoake, 1850
The History of the Last Trial by Jury for Atheism in England by George Jacob Holyoake (1850).
View on Google Books: The History of the Last Trial by Jury for Atheism in England
Love is a kind of courage, and, in the hearts of the man and woman who will here wed, there […]
Life would be far more truly envisaged if we dropped the silly phrases “men’s and women’s questions”; for indeed there […]
… the responsibility for our ethical decisions is entirely ours and cannot be shifted to anybody else; neither to God, […]
Stanton Coit was a pioneer of the Ethical movement in England and the founder of the West London Ethical Society, […]