June suns, you cannot store them To warm the winter’s cold, The lad that hopes for heaven Shall fill his […]
The… women on the early ALRA committee were similar in background and outlook. Most of them were active members of […]
By Steve Ratcliff Steve has been researching humanists from LGBT history, focusing on digitised materials from the archives of LGBT […]
Every movement requires its handful of pioneers who are prepared to stand up and be counted — to be abused, […]
Dr Alice Vickery was a humanist, physician, and devoted champion of women’s reproductive rights. Her tombstone inscription remembers her as […]
He was a great humanist whose religion lay in loving his fellow men and trying to serve them. These are […]
Anna was not a religious person. As a humanist, she believed in the goodness of people and their ability to […]
By Mia Nathan Constantly having to combat irrational and dangerous thinking is strenuous and sometimes tedious, but not necessarily boring. […]
Bessie Braddock was a trade union activist and politician, who devoted her life to improving the lives of others. She […]
The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) began as the Birmingham Pregnancy Advisory Service, created to provide access to safe, legal, […]
The British Society for the Study of Sex Psychology was officially formed in April 1914, ‘for the consideration of problems […]
The writer, TV and radio personality and social campaigner, Claire Rayner, best known for her agony aunt columns, spent most […]
…having now exceeded the age of three score years and ten, I would say that up to the present I […]
I see this kind of love – the empathy that should be common to all living creatures – rather than […]
No law can be effective which has not behind it the sanction of the people. Dorothy Thurtle, quoted by David […]
Only victory will put an end to it all. But meantime let no one say: ‘We are not responsible.’ We […]
Oh what a tissue of inconsistencies are the dogmas in which we have been reared! Emma Martin, God’s Gifts and […]
Ernestine Mills, an enamelist, and her husband Dr. Herbert Henry Mills were both active members of the Ethical movement, and […]
In order to find meaning to one’s life, one must find a meaning in the life of the [human] race. […]
Much needs changing in the world of today, and humanists will be found in large numbers in the ranks of […]
Faith without works is not Christianity, and unbelief without any effort to help shoulder the consequences for mankind is not […]
While much of the Humanist Heritage website looks back to the earlier years of the organised humanist movement, recent decades […]
The time has arrived for us humans to stop leaning on ideas for a creator god; we should get down […]
If the church was wrong, as of old, to trust to prayer in an epidemic, why shall she be right […]
Purity of life, sincerity of action, obedience to law, love of our fellow creatures, all those qualities which ennoble life […]
Humanists have principles too, but they are principles which do not refer to the existence of the supernatural. This is […]
When Nigel Lawson said in 1992 that the National Health Service was the ‘closest thing the English have to a […]
…life itself offers enough explanation for living; and believing our existence to finish with death, we naturally make the most […]
Humanists believe that this is our world, our responsibility, our possibility. If you agree, would anyone know? Peter Draper, ‘Values […]
Humanists UK began as the Union of Ethical Societies in 1896, becoming the Ethical Union in 1920, the British Humanist […]
Rose Bush was a member of the South Place Ethical Society for over 50 years, and a driving force in […]
Ruth Homan was an educationist, women’s welfare campaigner, and one of the founding members of the West London Ethical Society […]
Universal rights are exactly that, universal, and one should not suddenly acquire different rights after a certain number of birthdays. […]
What is this ban on abortion? It is a sexual taboo, it is the terror that women should experiment and […]
Against the militarist totalitarian state, I have striven. For the freedom of the human spirit to develop under the kindly […]
Thomas Hill Green was a philosopher, educator, and a Liberal, whose idealist philosophy (with its practical implications) was a significant […]
Wales has long been a nation of nonconformists, with a history of challenging the power and influence of the established […]
The one thing in which I am interested wholly and completely is the getting to know something about human society […]