Adam Duff O’Toole (Adam Dubh Ó Tuathail) was a reputed heretic, who was burned at the stake for his denials […]
Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure should be a challenge to […]
Is being rewarded for maintaining certain articles as matters of faith, and being punished, or suffering for opposing them, proper […]
In the absence of a better—the palladium of what liberty we have… the birthplace of mind, and the focus of […]
Atheism, unadulterated and undisguised, was diffused into every corner of the land, and the bold voice of the conscientious unbeliever […]
We are (of all the synonyms I most prefer to ‘humanist’) freethinkers. We are deprived of nothing. We have lost […]
Atheist Charles Southwell was imprisoned in Bristol Gaol for blasphemous libel in 1842. Southwell had written an article in his […]
Chapman Cohen was a tireless champion of freethought, and a prolific writer and lecturer for the secularist cause. President of […]
Charles Albert Watts was a lifelong promoter of rationalism, and the founder in 1885 of Watts’s Literary Guide, still published […]
Charles Bradlaugh was a leading freethinker, secularist, and founder of the National Secular Society. His efforts to take his seat […]
The House of Commons refused to allow his affirmation, so Bradlaugh applied to take the oath but was again refused. […]
Conway Hall has effected a transformation. From the day of its opening the life of the Society has been full […]
“Yet, upon the whole, the History of the Decline and Fall seems to have struck root, both at home and […]
The radical publisher Edward Truelove found himself in court more than once defending freedom of belief and expression. He believed, […]
Emancipation from every kind of bondage is my principle. I go for the recognition of human rights, without distinction of […]
We hold that only by making happiness for those around us, and by endeavoring, individually, to make the world a […]
‘Separate Development? Out of the closet, into the ghetto’ was a talk given by writer and activist Maureen Duffy on […]
Free thought means fearless thought. It is not deterred by legal penalties, nor by spiritual consequences. Dissent from the Bible […]
You can always appeal to common decency, which the vast majority of people believe in without the need to tie […]
Doubt is the beginning of wisdom. It means caution, independence, honesty and veracity. G. W. Foote George William Foote was […]
Harriet Law was a secularist and speaker, who also promoted women’s rights and socialist ideals. During the 1870s, Law’s house […]
I have ever considered that the only religion useful to man consists exclusively of the practice of morality, and in […]
The Humanist Broadcasting Council was established in 1959, in consultation with the BBC, to advocate for the inclusion of humanist […]
Humanists International was formed in 1952 as the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU): a federation of the American Ethical […]
While much of the Humanist Heritage website looks back to the earlier years of the organised humanist movement, recent decades […]
When we are asked to believe that nothing but a supernatural ideal can inspire and sustain a life-time of complete […]
The big problem of today is how shall we adjust these tremendous new forces so that they can be harnessed […]
…the only efficient, the only decent prayer, is Action. John Galsworthy, ‘Philosophy of Life’ in Glimpses and Reflections (1937) Best […]
Virtue alone is enough to live happily and brings its own reward. John Toland, Pantheisticon (1720) John Toland was an […]
It is not to the point to say that the views of Lucretius and Bruno, of Darwin and Spencer, may […]
Josiah Gimson was the most prosperous of the 19th century secularists in Leicester, and the main force behind the building […]
I might fill columns with tales of the debaters, co-operators, socialists, individualists, critics, artists, scientists, clergy and cranks, who, as […]
Margaret Chappellsmith was a devotee of the socialist and secularist ideas of Robert Owen, becoming one of the Owenite movement’s […]
With these basic [humanist] beliefs there go commonly two corollaries. First, that virtue is a matter of promoting human well-being, […]
I will never voluntarily obey any law which is an outrage on human reason. Matilda Roalfe Matilda Roalfe was an […]
Belief in the power of man to choose his direction of change: this is the creed of the future, and […]
As for Mother Clap, she was present all the Time, except when she went out to fetch Liquors… The Company […]
The National Secular Society is a campaigning organisation, founded in 1866 to champion the principles of secularism and the separation […]
Humanism involves not just the deletion of God from moral thought, but the development of humanity on a rational and […]
I am a humanist, a rationalist. My mother said to me, some weeks before she died, that she would die ‘an unrepentant […]
Socialism emerged, in the early decades of the nineteenth century, as a humanist ideal of universal emancipation – the ideal […]
Percy Bysshe Shelley was a major poet of the Romantic period, and remains one of England’s best loved and most […]
I have been the more bold in exposing my opinion because I believe it to be the dictates of truth […]
On Woburn Walk is a plaque to George Jacob Holyoake (1817-1906), a writer, lecturer, and promoter of the Cooperative movement, […]
The Rationalist Press Association (later known as simply the Rationalist Association) had its origins in the London print works of […]
I have no view but public good; certainly no desire to injure any one, but a passionate desire to do […]
There is no one who will deny the value and importance of truth, but how is it to be ascertained, […]
Under its successive names, adopted or given… is traceable a constant endeavour to study carefully, and keep abreast of, the […]
I hold that a writer should not in any circumstances or for any cause surrender his duty to criticise and […]
I have no desire… to bring the religion or the laws of this country into contempt, although I am a […]
The gist of heresy is free personal choice in act, and specially in thought – the rejection of traditional faiths […]
The object of Secularism is the promotion of human happiness in this world… [The Secularist] believes the surest way of […]
It is a principle innate and co-natural to every man to have an insatiable inclination to the truth and to […]
I believe in the equality of man; and I believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy and […]
Wales has long been a nation of nonconformists, with a history of challenging the power and influence of the established […]
William Johnson Fox was an orator, writer, politician, and first minister of South Place Chapel (now Conway Hall) from 1824 […]
William of Ockham was the fourteenth century’s most influential philosopher: a key thinker of the Middle Ages and an early […]